What if my hen is nesting but not laying?

Nesting hens should be laying eggs. If any hen is spending frequent, unproductive periods inside a nest box, it is recommended that veterinary assistance is sought. 

There are three common reasons for them "unproductively nesting". 

  1. A young hen coming into lay is learning what and how to do it. They can sometimes find it uncomfortable laying their first egg and spend more time nesting than their older friends. If nothing is produced within 2 weeks, there might be something wrong. 

  2. A broody hen will lay a clutch of eggs then stop and sit on them or will sit on a clutch of eggs laid by other hens. Some hens can become so determined to sit they will even sit on nothing. If she is displaying other signs of broodiness, like spending all day nesting, becoming very grumpy if you try and move her and showing anxiety if you turf her out, she is probably broody. 

  3. Reproductive disease. If hens are ovulating but failing to lay they could be ovulating internally, causing egg yolk peritonitis, or ovulating into the oviduct but the ova (yolks) are not being developed into eggs. Sadly, often when this happens they become infected and turn into solid little balls of pus which block the oviduct and make matters worse. These birds must be seen by a vet.

Grant Hayes

Grant is an experienced poultry veterinarian and a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.


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