Is Apple Cider Vinegar good for hens?

Because so many hen owners give apple cider vinegar to their hens, we performed a review of the scientific literature to see if it can actually have any beneficial effects.  

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermentation of apples. It contains 5–6% acetic acid, which his classified as a “weak acid”. 

Unpasteurised apple cider vinegar may contain bacteria and yeasts present in the fermentation process, water and trace amounts of other acids, vitamins, and minerals. Pasteurised apple cider vinegar, which is what most available products contain, is unlikely to have any of these additional benefits. 

The research

There are very few studies on apple cider vinegar in poultry. The ones that have taken place are small trials with relatively small numbers of birds involved. In comparison, there is a huge number of quality, robust data supporting the beneficial effect of other gut acidifiers in poultry including the following organic acids; Formic, propionic and lactic acids. 


Our summary

Based on the data available, if you want to benefit your bird's gut health, use a blend of organic short chain fatty acids. Read here for more information about how quality organic acid blends can help hens. 


  1. Hamilton. “Influence of Eimeria Spp. Infection on Chicken Jejunal Microbiota and the Efficacy of Two Alternative Products Against the Infection.” Avian diseases. 64.2 (2019): n. pag. Print. 

  2. Adeleye, O.O., Abatan, M.O., Dosumu, O.A. et al. Apple cider vinegar administration on carcass characteristics and meat quality of broiler chickens. Trop Anim Health Prod 53, 530 (2021).  

  3. Jahantigh M, Kalantari H, Ayda Davari S, Saadati D. Effects of dietary vinegar on performance, immune response and small intestine histomorphology in 1- to 28-day broiler chickens. Vet Med Sci. 2021 May;7(3):766-772. doi: 10.1002/vms3.408. Epub 2020 Dec 16. PMID: 33326702; PMCID: PMC8136961.  


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