How can I help my hens lay good quality eggs?

Good egg quality means high quality contents and shell. Table eggs need to be clean, reducing the level of bacterial on the shell entering your kitchen, and nutritious. Hatching eggs must be high in antibodies and energy for the newly hatched chick. The challenge is how best to support hens laying through difficult periods as they will often sacrifice their own conditions for the sake of their eggs. 

A good quality layers ration, either as pellet, crumble or mash, should be balanced and provide all the essential ingredients to sustain life. However, during times of stress, peak reproduction or disease your birds may need more than what is in their food alone. For pet hens example, the same ration sustaining them in the summer is unlikely to be enough calories in the winter, moult or if they are unwell. Foods high in protein and energy can be supplemented during these times, for example pulses like plain, unsalted tinned beans and cracked maize respectively. Try to avoid supplementing hens with fibre-rich treats in these periods, like grains still in their husks e.g. whole wheat, as they will make your bird feel more full and actually decrease the concentration of calories and protein they are eating. 

Preparing food for your hens 

Be aware that food destined for your birds should never have entered your kitchen, unless your household is 100% vegan and that includes your pets. Prepare your food outside, in the shed or keep a designated chicken cupboard outside your kitchen for them instead. Ensure you use utensils that have never been in contact with products from animal origin in order to protect your birds. 


Why do eggs change as hens mature?


Why do hens moult?